Dealer Information

Dealer Name:
mohd. helmi bin aliarit
Dealer MSISDN:
Dealer Code:

Up-Line Dealer :

Your Up-Line Dealer information will be displayed upon verification.

Package Type

Name:Basic Dealer
Name:Full Dealer 225
Amount:RM225 (without stock)
Name:Full Dealer 478
Amount:RM478 (with stock)
Name:Single Level Dealer
Amount:Free of Charge


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Image cannot be more than 2MB

Image cannot be more than 2MB

Image cannot be more than 2MB

Recruiting Dealer Information:

Dealer Name:
mohd. helmi bin aliarit
Dealer MSISDN:
Dealer Code:

Up-Line Dealer :

No Detail Found

Agree with Terms And Conditions Of Appointment As XOX Authorised Dealer
I hereby declare that the above information given is true, accurate and complete. I have read, understood, agreed and authorized to be bound by the Terms & Conditions as enclosed. I also agree to be severally liable for all fees and charges owing. By signing, I would want to cofirm my application to be ONEXOX's Dealer complied by 'Akad Wakalah' to carry ONEXOX brand. I authorize and consent to One XOX Sdn Bhd to verify the information given herein from whatever sources as may be required and to release such information as may be obtained without further reference to me. I agree to provide additional information/documentation when requested by One XOX Sdn. Bhd. from time to time.
a) I/We consent to One XOX and its related corporations (collectively "XOX"), its agents, business partner and marketing partners, as well as authorized service providers collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing my/our personal data, in order to contact me/us about your and/or their products which One XOX may have in its records from time to time.
b) I/We confirm and agree that my/our consents granted herein do not supersede or replace any other consents which I/We may have previously provided to One XOX in respect of my personal data, and are additional to any rights which One XOX may have at law to collect, use or disclose my/our personal data.

Registration Summary:

Recruiting Dealer Information:

Dealer Name:
mohd. helmi bin aliarit
Dealer MSISDN:
Dealer Code:

Up-Line Dealer :

No Detail Found